kasm was founded to IMPROVE the future of the korean peninsula
KASM is a 501(c)(3) organization tirelessly working to empower the future leaders of the Korean Peninsula. Our organization's past and current volunteers and members have experience in the fields of finance, economics, international development, business management, law, and social activism. We value collaboration, friendship, and personal growth.
Mission: direction, empowerment, and support FOR NORTH KOrean defectors and south koreans with global mindsets.
KASM's mission offers a distinct approach to leadership and education. The Korean American Sharing Movement cultivates leadership and understanding for the Korean Peninsula. Our organization fulfills an important need: the development of human capacity. Through developing leaders who are connected with an engaged network, we contribute to a peaceful and mutually-beneficial reconciliation of the two Koreas.
“On the exact 10 year anniversary of my escape from North Korea, I celebrated the US Independence Day in Washington DC with participants in KASM’s Washington Leadership Program.”
“The WLP has been a great opportunity to broaden my scope and improve my leadership skills.”